Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Post #2

What technology do you use on a regular basis? How has technology changed your personal or educational life?

What technology do I use on a regular basis? You mean besides my pencil shapener, electric lights, and computers? I really can't think of a single thing that I use daily that isn't some form of a technological advance. We have progressed quite a ways from charcoal drawing on cave walls, to transferring data through fiber-optik cable, (not to mention blu-tooth, etc.) I LOVE TECHNOLOGY

It seems that someone has tried to improve everything in someway or another. Either its stronger, bigger, lasts longer or just better.

This has given us so much more time to devote to whatever else we feel to do with it. We don't have to spend hours each day preparing and cleaning up meals for example, we have dishwashers that help with clean-up. We can then study about genetics or investments to save someone or just to make more money.

Really if you just sit and think about it there is nothing that technology hasn't improved, from out lighting needs to our ability to communicate with each other.

Educationally speaking there is so much more available, and so much more accessible, just the internet has opened up volumes of information (Its going to sound cliche) that is available to anyone with a connection.

Personally, I can listen to any song I want pretty much anytime I want. I just have to know its name, or the artist or just a line. gone are the days of waiting for the radio to play my favorite song, I can just find it, read the lyrics, listen to 6 different artist and even buy it online! Like this song under pressure, by a group of vocalists.

Technology allows me to post not just text but pics and videos! Awesome!


  1. oh yeah! i love the whole show, I am an addict, good thing it was just a couple of days!
